Singing Guide: Jona Lewie

Singing Guide: Jona Lewie

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jona Lewie is an English singer, songwriter, and composer known for his unique style of combining different genres, including new wave, punk rock, and electronic music. He is also famous for his signature vocal technique that features yodeling and falsetto singing.

To sing like Jona Lewie, it is essential to determine your voice type and vocal range. You can take Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range and compare it with Jona Lewie's. Knowing your vocal range will help you pick the right songs to practice and identify which vocal techniques you need to work on.

One of Jona Lewie’s signature techniques is yodeling. Yodeling is a vocal technique that allows you to shift from a chest voice to a head voice rapidly. It sounds like a high-pitched, quickly alternating melody. Practicing yodeling exercises can help you develop the skill of shifting between these two registers smoothly. For practice, you can check out the twang exercise from Singing Carrots' Twang Exercise video.

Another essential technique in Jona Lewie's singing is falsetto. Falsetto is a high-pitched voice produced by the vibration of the vocal cords. It is often used to produce notes that are too high for the chest voice. Singing Carrots’ Warm-Up/Practice-Starter video features a chest voice exercise that also helps to develop the falsetto voice. You can also practice your falsetto singing with Jona Lewie’s famous songs “You’ll always find me in the kitchen at parties” and “Stop the Cavalry."

In addition to yodeling and falsetto, Jona Lewie's singing style also involves articulation and breath control. Good articulation is crucial for making the lyrics understandable, while proper breath control helps you sustain notes and phrases without running out of breath. Singing Carrots' Articulation and Farinelli Breathing videos are excellent resources to improve your articulation and breath control skills, respectively.

Finally, Singing Carrots’ Song Search can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. You can look for Jona Lewie's music to practice with and find popular songs he recorded.

In conclusion, to sing like Jona Lewie, practice his signature techniques, such as yodeling and falsetto, work on your articulation and breath control, and choose songs that fit your voice range. The Singing Carrots' resources, including skill-related videos, breathing exercises, vocal range tests, and song search, can help you achieve your goal. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.